Friday, December 6, 2013

Deliverable 4

After numerous hours injection molding parts, we met as a team to measure critical dimensions and trim the sprue from each part.

 The windows were trimmed to size and stacked in order of production.  After optimizing cooling time and other thermoforming parameters, the windows were clear and free of bubbles.

The bow tie production run had some hiccups, mostly due to the parts not releasing from the core mold.  Sometimes, the ejector pins would dent or completely puncture the parts.  A spray of mold release was all it took to mitigate the problem for 30 or 40 shots. 
The press fit was slightly tighter than we had anticipated (~.003" on the radius).  Fortunately, it was not so severe as to deform or noticeably diminish the performance of the ball bearings.  However, it did require that we use an arbor press to fit the bearings.

 Body production went smoothly.  We recut the cavity mold for the bodies after noticing that our first run had significant dishing.  The dishing caused our string gap to be larger at the center of the yo-yo than at the radius.  This made the yo-yo difficult to wind.  The core mold modification fixed the problem noticeably.
A test shows that the bow tie does indeed spin:

Below is a list of dimensions on which we gathered data.  A range of data was gathered and averaged for the critical dimensions, while other dimensions are taken from a single part.  Critical dimensions appear highlighted in the table.
 Although most of our parts were not within the initially specified tolerances, most of the errors were mean shifts with relatively small standard deviation.  Ultimately, we modified the offending parts until our yo-yo became functional.  Noncritical dimensions were treated as noncritical.  As a result, they were allowed to vary as we modified more critical dimensions to fit the specifications. 

Table of Specifications

SpecificationValue (with units)Measuring MethodMeasured ValueExplanation
Yo-Yo Diameter2.500 ± 0.005 inchesDigital Caliper2.514 inchesoverestimating shrinkage during mold design
Yo-Yo Outer-Gap Diameter2.368 +0.000Digital Caliper

           - 0.005  inches

Yo-Yo Inner-Gap Draft Angle2 ± 2 degreesDigital Caliper, tangent of two sides

String Gap0.075 ± 0.005 inchesDigital Caliper

Yo-Yo Width1.700 ± 0.005 inchesDigital Caliper1.604 inchespoor estimation
Yo-Yo Cavity Diameter2.092 ± 0.005 inchesDigital Caliper2.113 inchesoverestimating shrinkage during mold design
Bow Tie Max Length2.046 ± 0.005 inchesDigital Caliper2.053 inchesclose to spec
Bow Tie Inner Diameter0.315 +0.000Digital Caliper0.309 inchesclose to spec
           - 0.005  inches

Inner Shaft (for ball bearing) Width0.197 +0.005Digital Caliper0.202 incheswithin spec
           - 0.000  inches

ID of Ball Bearing0.197 +0.000Digital Caliper0.195 incheswithin spec
           - 0.005  inches

OD of Ball Bearing0.315 +0.005Digital Caliper0.313 inchesclose to spec
           - 0.000  inches

Yo-Yo Wall Thickness0.1875 ± 0.005 inchesDigital Caliper0.185 inchesclose to spec
Retaining Ring Outer Diameter2.378 +0.005Digital Caliper2.385 inchesclose to spec - extra tight fit
           - 0.000  inches

Retaining Ring Inner Diameter2.2185+0.000Digital Caliper2.135 inchesnoncritical dimension varied as a result of adjusting linked critical dimension
          - 0.005  inches

Window Extrusion Outer Diameter2.185+0.005Digital Caliper2.155 inchesthermoforming inaccuracy
          - 0.000  inches

Mass of Yo-Yo0.166 poundsScale0.171 pounds
Volume of Yo-Yo4.10 inches cubedMass/Density

Max RPM of Yo-Yo142.29 RPMTachometer sensor 2700 invalid assumption
Inertia in X and Y direction0.0952 pounds*inch2Calculations

Inertia in Z direction0.1345 pounds*inch2Calculations

Our report can be found here.

The bowtie showed a very controlled run.  The critical dimension is linear in time with the noise making up one or two thousandths of variation.  Our shift in cooling time from 30 seconds to 20 seconds is not visible in this data.

A histogram of critical measurements shows a well behaved distribution.  The specification for this measurement was 0.315" +0.000" -0.005".  Here, the mean landed slightly below the minimum accepted dimension of 0.310" that we had decided on in the beginning.  The bearing interference averaged at 0.013" rather than the specified 0.010".  This proved to be benign as the bearing did not experience too great of a compressive force and still spun freely.

The C_pk calculated for this process was .4978. 

 Although that qualifies as "wildly out of control," it is mostly a reflection of the mean shift of our data. 
Calculating C_p without considering the mean shift yields a value of .9436 - not great by industry standards but reasonable by 2.008 standards.

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